Scarlet-breasted Maori wrasse
Underwater Photography


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Goethe vs. Newton

Neither physics nor physiology does explain the emotions we feel when looking at the wonders of a coral reef or a painting of Vincent van Gogh. Isaac Newton published 1704 his theory on the physics of light and colors, which is the basis of the modern scientific understanding of color. This theory was rejected by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe who published in 1810 his famous book “Zur Farbenlehre” in which he tried to unify science, art, and philosophy. Newton and Goethe represent the antipodes of science and emotion, and only in recent days we begin to understand how these depend on each other.

Goethe 1Goethe 2

Goethe, Farbenkreis zur Symbolisierung des menschlichen Geistes- und Seelenlebens (Source: Wikipedia)


Newton 1Newton 2

Newton's colour circle (Source: Wikipedia)